Book Buy-Back
How It Works
- We only buy used comics in BOOK format: i.e., graphic novels, manga, and trade paperbacks.
- Please contact us before bringing in books to make sure that the staff member on the floor is able to make buying decisions.
We will process no more than 50 books in one assessment.
During the Initial Estimate, the buyer will quickly evaluate whether any books are immediately rejected. Then, they will discuss how long a more thorough assessment might take.
- The Buyer will do a full assessment of the books. Being present during the full assessment is not necessary. Seller however must return before end of scheduled appointment, otherwise books will be considered abandoned. Day-of scheduling accommodations can be discussed with the Buyer at time of estimate.
The Buyer will make an offer. The amount of credit issued depends on a variety of factors: format, condition, genre, availability, and salability. Excessive wear will always reduce the trade-in value of a book. However, a book in "like new" condition might also have very little trade-in value due to the other above-mentioned factors.
We only accept books in clean, readable condition with covers, pages, and spines intact. Books with the following will be rejected outright: water damage, cigarette odor, smoke damage, animal feces or urine, mold, insects, pet hair, and dirt. We will not evaluate books that could pose a hazard to the health of our staff or the quality of our inventory.
Store credit will be assigned to you in the amount of one-third (1/3) to one-fourth (1/4) of the resale cost of books we choose to purchase. For example, if we will sell the book for $12.00, your credit will be $2.00-3.00. Cash payouts will be one-half (1/2) of the store credit offer. We limit cash buybacks to no more than $10.00 at one time. WE ARE CURRENTLY NOT OFFERING CASH PAY-OUTS.
- Payout offers are FINAL. Do not haggle. Final decisions are up to the buyer. The seller maintains the right to refuse the offer and take back their books.
PLEASE NOTE: this service is NOT appraisal of collectables that the seller does not intend to sell to Books With Pictures Eugene.
We have limited space and strive to maintain a well-curated selection. However, we are most excited to purchase:
Perennial favorites
Books frequently used as course books
Complete Series
First volumes of popular series
We will NOT purchase:
Books that are in generally poor condition (torn or yellowed pages, missing dustcovers, split spines, water damage, etc.)
- Books with writing or markings on the cover or interior
Outdated reference books
Non-book items (magazines, journals, calendars, DVDs, CDs, etc.)
Single-issue comic books, regardless of condition
- Books with hateful content that violate store policy